为了进一步深化对植物染色体分离机制的理解,推动植物生物学和遗传学等领域科研创新,促进学术交流与合作。三亚研究院荣幸邀请到国际知名植物生物学和遗传学专家R. Kelly Dawe教授,举办一场主题为“基于合成着丝粒的核型工程”的学术报告。欢迎广大科技人员和研究生参加。
联系人:赖锦盛 教授
报告题目:Karyotype engineering with synthetic centromeres
报告人:R. Kelly Dawe, Professor of Plant Biology and Genetics, University of Georgia, Athens, GA.
Dr. Dawe is a distinguished research professor at University of Georgia. His research focuses on how chromosomes segregate in plants. His lab wonders how the centromeres organize the overlying kinetochores and how the kinetochores ensure accurate chromosome segregation. They want to know what plant centromeres are made of, how they are inherited, what proteins interact with them, and how they evolve. What are centromeres? For over twenty years his lab has been working through the answers to these questions, and published 116 papers in journals such as Cell, Science, Nature Cell Biology, Nature genetics, Science Advances, Nature Plants, Nature Communications, Plant Cell, Genome Biology, PNAS, PLoS Biol, Genome Res, PLoS Genetics and Nucleic Acids Res.